Our assessments and screenings provide powerful knowledge around well-being for individuals, as well as insight into your organization culture.
Participants must feel engaged, motivated and supported to put their new knowledge into action. We utilize a range of effective tools and methods to enable individuals success.
A program is only as good as its results – and thanks to our robust reporting, you won’t have to wonder how yours is performing.
Survice & Support
Improving Human Performance is a constantly evolving process, so our team is with you — and your participants — every step of the way.
AboutSince one-half of all premature deaths could be prevented by lifestyle change, and employees spend a good part of their waking hours at work, the workplace is a logical environment to improve adults’ health behaviors through meaningful engagement. WellPlan’s corporate programs and consulting services produce results through innovative solutions influencing top line growth and by implementing cost-cutting strategies yielding an exceptional ROI for employers. We create customized, high-touch programming that emphasizes health education and promotes lasting behavior change.WellPlan’s resources are advantageous for corporations in reducing insurance premiums, increase benefits, increasing productivity, and improving company’s team spirit by ten folds.